Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sleep apnea mouthpiece

 Sleep apnea mouthpiece is a device which is used for reducing blocked airways which may be caused by soft tissues of the mouth. This device protects airways from blocking by soft tissues and tongue. It is placed inside the mouth. If the person suffers from the mild or moderate type of obstructive sleep apnea the usage of mouthpieces may be a great helper in his or her everyday life. Sleep apnea mouthpiece may also be used as anti snoring device. The current market is able to offer a great variety of these devices. But in any case it is better to visit your doctor and consult with him about this or that type of mouthpieces. Actually there exist two main types of sleep apnea mouthpieces. They are mandibular advancement appliances and tongue retainer. The first one is the most common among oral appliance for sleep apnea. This device keeps the airways open due to pushing the tongue and lower jaw forward. As you might guess the “place of living” of mandibular advancement appliances is in the mouth where they are fitted by the sufferers. Also this oral appliance for sleep apnea is rather effective in reducing snoring because clear and wide airways reduce the noise which may be produced by snoring. The second type of sleep apnea mouthpiece is tongue retainer. It takes longer time to get used to it, that is why it may be not so common. But this condition does not diminish its effectiveness in preventing airway obstruction. This device engages and holds the tongue in a forward position which helps to keep airways clear.
A lot of people who experience the sleep apnea are looking for different devices which may help them to cope with the problem of obstructing airways and snoring. Quite a numerous group of patients experienced relief due to such option as sleep apnea mouth guard. It is possible to find these oral products in many pharmacies. Also the current internet-market may offer customers such mouth guards. They are not very expensive and every person may afford it. Of course the best sleep apnea mouth guard is that which is made exactly for you by the dentist. In this case you will have a unique device which is the most comfortable just for you. But this leads to bigger expenses comparing with the previous case.
You might see in a sport store some chewing gum shields. Actually mouth guards which are available at drug stores have something in common with them in their appearance, but of course those from drug stores are designed for reducing the evidences of the sleep apnea. 
As any other way of treatment of different diseases dental appliance for sleep apnea have benefits and disadvantages. It is considered that these devices are very helpful for people who suffer from mild to moderate form of sleep apnea. If the person sleeps on the back or stomach it may be the best way to keep airways open and provide free access of the air. A lot of sufferers admit that their sleep improves due to these devices. Some of patients noticed that the snore disappear or at least it is not so loud when they use dental appliances.
Talking about disadvantages of a sleep apnea dental appliance it is worth to admit that it may be not as effective as CPAP therapy. Also after the long term of usage of these devices some part of patients decide to make a pause in using dental appliance for sleep apnea due to such side effects as dry lips, nighttime pain, tooth discomfort and excessive salivation.

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