Sleep apnea surgery may be used for treating obstructive sleep apnea only in those cases when other methods do not help you or you have some restrictions about them. Among variety of sleep apnea devices it is possible to distinguish such widely spread things as sleep apnea pillow and sleep apnea mask.
Choosing sleep
apnea mask is a very important condition as it has to fit you perfectly.
While choosing this important thing it is important first of all to pay your
attention onto comfortableness of it. You will have to wear it every time when
you go to the bed at night that is why this first item is of vital importance.
The second thing you should know about sleep apnea
masks is that they may be of two sizes: small and medium. So, be careful
in choosing the proper size. In the case you have some doubts which is better
for you it is better to choose the smaller one because the large one may be not
useful for you as it is vulnerable to leaks. Sleep
apnea masks may be divided into two types if take as the base the way
the sufferer breathes. Masks which covers only nose may be used in the case if
you or the person for whom you want to choose a mask breathe only with the help
of the nose. If you are from the category of so called mouth breathers you
should choose that kind of mask which covers both nose and mouth. This type of
masks is called full face mask. In any case it is better to consult with your doctor,
what is better for you and how to choose the proper size.
- First of all it is the safest and common
form of sleep therapy;
- It is not expensive;
- Such pillows are designed especially for
snoring side sleepers;
- Accommodates stomach and both side and
back sleepers;
- All pillows are orthopedic and will not
bring any harm for other parts of the body.